Archive for June 2011
New report on Special Areas of Conservation in Wales
Overall, on land and in the seas 27% of designated habitats and species within SAC are considered to be in favourable condition, with 11% in a process of recovery. But that leaves almost two thirds not doing well.  Within marine SACs, 80% of saltmarshes, 60% of intertidal sand and muflats and half of estuary and bays features are not in favourable condition or recovering towards it. Much more work is clearly needed to improve on this situation.
Hidden value of nature revealed
Many people may believe that caring for the environment means extra financial burdens, but the UK NEA shows that there are real economic reasons for looking after nature. It also shows that the benefits we get to our health, well being and from the enjoyment of nature have not always been fully appreciated or valued.
The assessment provides economic values for a range of services that the ecosystem gives us for free to help us fully understand the value of the natural environment and how the benefits to individuals and society as a whole can be better protected and preserved for future generations.
The UK NEA shows that the tendency to focus only on the market value of resources we can use and sell, such as timber, crops and fisheries, has led to the decline of some ecosystems and habitats through pollution, over-exploitation, and land conversion.