Relevant authorities

The Habitats Regulations identify two groups of authorities and individuals responsible for delivering the necessary management of EMS, relevant and competent authorities.  Competent authorities are those that grant any kind of permission or license for activities or developments.  Relevant authorities are those that are involved in some form of relevant marine regulatory function, and are therefore directly involved in the management of a marine site.

The Regulations specifically give relevant authorities the responsibility for management of EMS and recommend that they collaborate in doing so.  The relevant authorities for this EMS work together as the Carmarthen Bay and Estuaries EMS Relevant Authorities Group (RAG).   Its members are:

  • Carmarthenshire County Council
  • City and County of Swansea
  • Dwr Cymru-Welsh Water
  • Natural Resources Wales (replaced Countryside Council for Wales and Environment Agency Wales on 1 April 2013)
  • Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority
  • Pembrokeshire County Council
  • Saundersfoot Harbour Authority
  • Trinity House Lighthouse Service

The RAG  is chaired by the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority.  It meets on a regular basis to discuss issues relevant to the European Marine Site. The RAG terms of reference are available here and the Memorandum of Understanding between them for working together here.

Minutes of RAG meetings (December 2005 - present) are available here.